Goal Setting That Leads to Greatness

What is the difference between a dream and a goal? How do you set goals that lead to greatness?

The goal setting examples is a blog post that provides some examples of goal setting. This article will help you to set your goals and achieve them


Steve Jobs was well-known for his exacting standards. Indeed, the unattainable goals Steve set for his staff were crucial in transforming Apple into the technological powerhouse it is today.

According to one employee, engineers submitted their work to Jobs for approval after they finished the first iPod prototype. Jobs examined the gadget and instantly dismissed it as being too large.

The engineers stated that in order to build the iPod, they would have to “reinvent creating,” and that it would be impossible to make it much smaller.

Jobs rose from his seat and went over to an aquarium, where he tossed the iPod into the water. Bubbles floated to the top when it hit the bottom.

He said, “Those are air bubbles.” “That indicates there’s room inside.” Reduce the size.”

These kind of tales have become Apple folklore because they show Jobs pushing his staff to achieve breakthrough solutions beyond what anybody believed was feasible. Setting these seemingly unattainable objectives is what drives innovation, and these are the kinds of goals that industry disruptors should seek.

Why is it necessary to establish improbable goals?

A achievable aim is one that seems to be within the realm of possibility. The objective seems simple to accomplish because of what you (or your workers) already think about the world. Shooting for greater heights than you believe is feasible pushes you to question your business, your workers, and your own preconceptions.

It basically pushes you to come up with new ideas.

When Henry Ford designed the Model T, he intended for it to be a mass-market vehicle. The vehicle originally cost $850, about $21,000 in today’s money. It was inexpensive, but not inexpensive enough to completely replace the horse and buggy.

[pullquote] Setting goals pushes you to think beyond the box. [/pullquote] To address the issue, he created the moving assembly line by combining various aspects of production. As a consequence, contemporary production has been totally transformed.

Ford could have simply built a new car if it hadn’t set an unrealistic aim. Instead, he shook up not one, but two industries.

Setting unrealistic objectives, moreover, pushes your workers to their limits. High achievers will reach a target that is simple to accomplish and may even go one or two steps beyond. And, more than likely, those top achievers will begin searching for positions that will really challenge them.

Set unattainable objectives, on the other hand, and your rock-star workers will work harder to achieve them while learning a lot in the process. They’ll learn new ways to think and begin questioning everyone’s preconceptions. You and your team will soon find that innovation breeds more innovation.

“Wow!” your team will begin to exclaim. What more can we accomplish if we can achieve this insane goal?”

It’s hard not to get addicted to the sensation of doing something you didn’t think you could. The more you push your team, the more they will enjoy their job and want to achieve greatness.

How do you establish objectives that seem impossible to achieve?

When establishing unrealistic objectives, aim just high enough that they seem unreachable, but not so high that your team will inevitably fail.

It’s also critical that people understand why you’re pursuing these stretch objectives.

Pixar CEO Ed Catmull recounts the making of “Toy Story 2” in his book “Creativity, Inc.”

Following the original film’s box office success, Disney officials requested a direct-to-video sequel. After a year of development, the team recognized they wouldn’t be able to create great work on a direct-to-video budget, so they requested Disney to allow them make it a theatrical release instead. The plan’s flaw was that it locked them into a nine-month manufacturing timetable. To put it another way, it was impossible.

As we all know, “Toy Story 2” not only arrived on schedule, but many people think it is even better than the first. In that instance, the unachievable objective was motivated by the ambition of the Pixar crew to make the greatest film possible, which required them to push themselves to new heights.

4 easy methods to ensure sure your objectives are met

1. Increase all existing goals by twofold.

Then have them think about how they can achieve the new goals. The act of brainstorming alone will expand everyone’s thinking and aid in the advancement of creativity. However, don’t simply double every benchmark at random. Make sure your stretch objectives are appropriate for the circumstance.

2. Inquire of team leaders about their ambitious objectives.

Creating objectives Employees are pushed to establish objectives that are genuinely ambitious by the public. Nobody wants to be the person who sets modest objectives. Furthermore, discussing objectives with others improves accountability.

3. Don’t make success dependent on bonuses.

If your team believes that not achieving ambitious objectives would result in financial penalties, they will not push themselves. They’ll create objectives for themselves that they think they can achieve subconsciously.

You should, however, provide incentives and celebrations. Take a time as a team to celebrate and appreciate your accomplishments at each milestone. Make a ritual for marking the accomplishment of little milestones toward the larger objective.

4. Prepare yourself for failure.

When working for unattainable objectives, it’s important to anticipate that things won’t always go as planned. When Angus Davis’ company Swipely grew from 30 to 80 workers in a year, he realized he needed a way to keep everyone on track and engaged. He embraced the OKR method, which pushes individuals and teams to establish lofty objectives.

Davis adds, “They have to be a stretch.” “Most people wouldn’t consider 70% to be a decent grade, but that’s about appropriate for OKRs. You want your goals to be ambitious enough to push you beyond your comfort zone.”

Even if your team fails to meet the target you set, you’ll be impressed with the progress they achieved and the innovative ideas that emerged from the process.

History is filled with individuals who refused to be content with what others believed was feasible, from Steve Jobs to Henry Ford to Pixar. They understood that the only way they’d be able to attain greatness was to set unrealistic objectives.

How has your company gone about setting high objectives and achieving them? Have they helped you achieve more success? In the comments section below, share your experience with establishing unrealistic goals. 

Goals are a way to measure your progress. They allow you to see where you need to improve and what it will take for you to reach the next level in life. Reference: what is a goal.

Frequently Asked Questions

How setting goals can lead to success?

Setting goals is a way of gaining motivation and direction. It can help you stay on track, keep you focused, and give your life meaning.

What is effective goal setting?

Effective goal setting is a process of defining and prioritizing goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely.

What are the 5 smart goals?

The 5 smart goals are the most basic of all the game modes in Beat Saber. These are the easiest to complete, and provide a good foundation for players who have just started playing.

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