How a Medical Private Practice Business Can Overcome Obstacles to Success

Medical practices have a difficult time competing with the large chains that offer lower prices and better service. To succeed, they must find a way to stand out.

A medical private practice business is a difficult thing to start. There are many obstacles that need to be overcome, but there are also many benefits that come with it.


As I travel throughout the United States for consultations and speaking events, I’ve seen that private clinics have a very high failure rate.

43 percent of healthcare-related companies fail during the first five years, according to Dave Chase, author of CEO’s Guide to Restoring the American Dream. The restaurant sector seems to be the only one with a greater failure rate.  

The most common reason “private practice-preneurs” fail in today’s market is because they don’t recognize their risk factors. Too many health professionals undervalue the resources required to run a successful practice.

Most healthcare professionals aren’t taught how to start a company and become a successful entrepreneur. Instead of studying financial accounts and optimizing profits, they’ve formed their professions around their love for health and wellbeing.

However, a solid organizational basis is required to create a financially viable company. Take these crucial measures ahead of time to prevent your own practice from failing.

1. Define your success vision.

Consider your real objectives for a minute. It’s critical that you establish your professional and personal objectives, as well as your ideal success vision.

Begin the visioning process by defining your net financial objectives, which will lead you to the next stage of determining how and when to achieve them. Determine if you want to be a single owner or whether your private practice vision includes utilizing other practitioners in your service delivery approach.

2. Make a plan to operate a successful company.

If there is one thing I could alter about our society’s attitude toward service-based business models in healthcare, it would be the belief that private healthcare practices functioning as successful and lucrative companies is incompatible with their purpose.

Nonetheless, doctors and healthcare providers are often so engrossed in their own enthusiasm for their job that they neglect to consider the financial side of the equation.

Priority #1 is to never lose money, priority #2 is to never lose money, and priority #3 is to never lose money, according to investing icon Warren Buffet.

3. Put time and effort into developing a strong company strategy.

There’s a lot to be said about expressing your vision for the future. Writing a business plan will assist, even if it’s a Lean Business Plan that’s brief and simple to update. It has been shown that businesses that plan ahead develop 30% quicker. This can assist you in better determining your particular company goals as well as providing insight into how to promote long-term development.

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Some people may be tempted to simply get started and find out how to develop a company as they go—what we could refer to as “building the aircraft while flying it.” Simply stated, this isn’t the most efficient or successful strategy.

Begin by determining why you want to start your own practice.

Part of establishing your why is figuring out how it relates to other important issues, such as:

  • What is the demography of the target market?
  • What is the main service or product that you provide?
  • When do you want to get started?
  • And how are you going to put your plan into action?

Make your objectives and milestones as clear as possible. A well-crafted business plan ensures that you aren’t simply spinning your wheels, but that you are following a well-defined strategic roadmap that is aligned with precise, quantifiable company objectives.

Check out some samples in Bplans’ sample business plan gallery if you’re not sure what a medical practice business plan should look like.

4. Use metrics to establish responsibility.

It’s one thing to make a strategy, but it’s quite another to put it into action and accomplish your objectives. Metrics are the key to implementing your private practice plan. Define the quantifiable measures that will inform you whether you’ve reached your objective, in addition to working through your who, what, where, when, why, and which questions.

They should contain a deadline—when do you plan to complete your goal? You should create weekly, monthly, and quarterly measurements, in my opinion. Your balance sheet, income statement, and net income are all important financial indicators. Cash flow statement analysis, payer mix, cancellation report, and marketing/referral performance are among the others.

Financial statements may be created in Excel, but a company management tool like LivePlan, which links to your online accounting system and provides a business dashboard, can help the process go more quickly and easily.

Metrics also provide the additional advantage of empowering your team to be responsible without requiring you to supervise their every action. Providing incentives for employees to achieve their objectives may be a powerful motivator.

5. Recognize how health insurance is funded.

The fact that there is never a guarantee of coverage is a basic truth that all private practice entrepreneurs must accept.

Follow these steps: Verify your own coverage for any service you’re providing by calling the phone number on the back of your health insurance card (occupational therapy, speech therapy, chiropractic, and so on).

The bottom line is that, based on your patient demographics, diagnosis, service provision, and other variables, you must grasp the limiting factors and trends in medical billing. 60 percent of your financing should be cash flow positive in 30 days or fewer from the date of service, according to the rule of thumb. This will ensure that your private practice maintains a healthy financial position.

6. Be ready for the worst-case situation.

You must be prepared for circumstances that may threaten your existence while you develop your plan. Consider a number of scenarios, ranging from what would happen if your greatest therapist left to compete with you to what would happen if your funding source (Medicaid, etc.) stopped paying you.

Make a plan to tackle these challenges before they occur. Get ahead of clinical and personnel problems by clearly expressing your expectations with your team and articulating rules on everything from HIPAA to anticipated response times to queries in both your employee and client packages.

7. Hire the best people you can.

Your practice may be transformed by a cohesive team. It will pay you to hire the best employees you can find. If you have employees who aren’t completely committed to the practice’s purpose and are just checking in and leaving each day, they aren’t contributing to the organization’s success.

This has happened to me in particular when practitioners hire their buddies to work for them. Employees that are passionate about their job, always behave in the best interests of the business, seek for ways to contribute, and offer fresh ideas will be critical team members in guaranteeing the practice’s success.

8. Assemble a support group to assist you in making critical choices.

Assemble a group of individuals who can provide moral or professional assistance. They may be coworkers, friends, consultants, or anybody else. You’ll need a crew to keep an eye on you while you develop your plan.

When in doubt, seek assistance; there’s no need to take on every problem on your own. Look for people who have experience in the areas you know aren’t your strong suits. If you’re not sure where to begin, SCORE has a fantastic mentoring program that will help you confidently grow your medical business.

Private medical practices are a great way to start a business. However, there are many challenges that private practices face. This article discusses how a medical private practice can overcome obstacles and succeed in their business. Reference: joining a private medical practice.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I succeed in private medical practice?

Private medical practice is a very difficult and competitive field. You need to be able to establish good relationships with patients, have the ability to negotiate fees, and be able to provide excellent care in order to succeed.

How do you run a successful private practice?

The most important thing to do is to understand the needs of your patients and deliver care that meets those needs.

How do you manage private practice?

I manage my private practice by playing games with friends.

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