
Tools and Techniques for Assessing IT Skills in a Rapidly Changing Landscape

The job of a recruiter can be pretty tough sometimes, a rapidly moving industry with an insane level of competition among thousands of companies, all scouring for top talent. Hours upon hours of sourcing and screening, hundreds of applicants, the majority of which turn out to be completely unsuitable, sifting through countless email applications, it hurts just thinking about it. Rapid technologization and digitization of the world and businesses have made IT skills a crucial component in work life, a skill an employee should have for most situations. But how to best assess this skill without sinking a ludicrous amount of time into analyzing the applicant? Once you have read this little text, you should have a good idea of how to go about it.

Skill Assessments

It may be best to start with a broader look at assessments before getting into details. You can make life much easier for yourself by doing some research before you start conducting skills assessments and looking through potential employees. Assessing their skills before accepting or denying them is no longer a viable or fair option these days, and as AI and automation embed themselves deeper and deeper into the modern world and its systems, keeping up is a priority.


Codility has been proven to be a highly effective solution for technical recruitment that lets recruiters test candidates’ programming skills and have coding interviews.


This platform is best suited for remote hiring, organizing coding challenges, and building diverse, effective teams, and it covers more than 40 programming languages, so pretty much all of them. Codility consists of three main components, CodeCheck, CodeLive, and CodeChallenge, that all come together to create a cohesive, detailed whole.


This is a technical interview platform, designed to help identify and hire software developers, with it assisting along every step of the recruitment process. You can start with planning a hiring process and sourcing candidates on the platform, while you also automate screening profiles and create skill tests with a range of pre-built templates. Then you start conducting online interviews and ranking the best and most impressive candidates. HackerRank consists of a community of more than 15 million strong, skilled, and talented developers that make it an actual talent pool.


Sometimes you just want some detailed and convenient reports and analytics on how candidates are performing, to aid you when it comes to making a decision. Well, CodeSignal has got you covered, and as a bonus, it features a sizable and active community of developers that you can connect with and learn from.


 It has a plethora of useful features like pair programming, virtual whiteboard, and video interviews, along with a library of timed assessments and challenges, so you can evaluate programming and coding skills as needed. To make sure nobody tries to trick anyone, it has an AI-powered plagiarism detector that helps ensure code authenticity and prevents anyone from cheating.

Nowadays you want to be sure you hire only people who are qualified and know what they are talking about and doing. Doing this alone can be a bit much, which is why there are numerous tools you should take advantage of.