How to Reveal Your Customer’s Business Pain Points

Businesses often have to deal with their customers’ pain points, but sometimes it can be difficult to understand exactly what those are. It is important for businesses to know their customer’s pain points so that they can improve the service or product that they offer.

The business pain points examples are the areas that your customers experience challenges. These areas can be anything from customer service to price, or even something as simple as how long it takes to get an item.


If you don’t comprehend the issues that your potential clients and consumers are facing, you aren’t getting to know them. Taking things a step further, understanding their issues isn’t enough if you don’t know how they’re dealing with them right now.

They’re doing it alone, making hasty decisions while trying to sift through a plethora of alternatives from different business solution suppliers. So, how can you promote your company as the best option? By identifying their problems.

That’s a lot easier said than done. To get you started, we’ll go through the many types of business pain issues that your prospects may be dealing with in this post. Once you’ve grasped it, you can go on to our eight crucial questions to ask your clients in order to delve further into their issues.

What is the definition of a business pain point?

A business pain point is a problem or issue that causes “damage” and necessitates a solution. True business suffering isn’t a problem that can be solved with a nice-to-have feature. It’s a budgetary, nerve-wracking, must-get-it-done problem that’s been discussed from the top down. 

Because they have an influence on the bottom line, they must be addressed in order for the business to grow and function successfully. The problem with pain points is that they are often misdiagnosed or ignored. A company may not even be aware that they have an issue, which is where you come in.

Why is it essential to identify pain points?

Successful companies and salespeople start by looking for suffering in their prospects. You instantly become more than simply another product or service by identifying customer pain spots; you become a problem solution. Knowing your consumers’ pain areas has an impact on your marketing and sales tactics.

It may have an impact on your mission statement, positioning, and value proposition at the widest level. Knowing your prospects’ issues may assist your workers adjust their presentation and prepare what they’re providing as the best solution. 

It may potentially change the targeting and wording of your advertisements. You may create and modify content, advertising, and even the design to speak directly to their requirements if you understand their specific issues.

That is why identifying and disclosing these issues is critical.

Customer pain points come in a variety of shapes and sizes.

Identifying customer pain spots, on the other hand, is more challenging than it seems. For each prospect, there isn’t a perfectly packaged answer. In fact, several customers have no idea what’s causing their issues.

Before you can assist your customer in identifying their pain spots, you must first grasp what they may be. Let’s have a look at the many types of pain spots and where they originate. 

a source of frustration for productivity

Customers are trying to be more efficient with their time, but their new solution is wasting it.

A source of financial distress

Customers are more inclined to overpay for their new solution and spend less money.

Process annoyance

Customers are still developing organizational procedures and encountering issues with the structures and processes in place.

Support the ailment

Customers are not receiving the assistance they need, particularly at critical moments in the customer experience or sales process.

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8 questions to help you figure out what your customers’ problems are.

Let’s look at a technique to directly identify your customer’s pain issues now that you have a concept of what they could be. You may discover their business problems while also starting a fantastic conversation with these eight questions. 

Please keep in mind that these are just suggestions. Over time, you’ll want to modify and change your questions to suit your company and the consumers you’re dealing with. So, let’s get started.

1. What is the most significant impediment to their growth?

This kind of inquiry typically goes right to the heart of the issue. The biggest barrier to growth for every company is typically a significant nuisance.

Many consumers haven’t given this problem much thought, yet it contributes to your reputation. Helping prospects talk about their current market situation will allow you to discover more about the company while also allowing you to showcase your abilities in a non-intrusive way. In other words, you’re assisting them in determining the present state of their company, as well as its development objectives and strategies.

Sales, customers, employees, inventory, and venture money are the most frequent causes of market suffering in this scenario. Any of these may be significant impediments to development. You’ll want to utilize these follow-up questions to get to the core of the discussion after they’ve set out the foundation for their market position:

  • What are your plans for dealing with X pain?
  • What is your goal in terms of addressing this problem?
  • What do you think the solution will be? Simple or difficult?
  • Who in the industry is now attempting to address this?

These kinds of inquiries will aid in the ice-breaking process. You’ll learn more about your customer’s problems and start thinking about how you might assist.

2. Is your customer service staff more responsive than your competitors’?

Waiting for assistance is one of the most frequent customer concerns. If real-time help is delayed, customers may get irritated and have a poor service experience. 

Negative evaluations may be disseminated both online and through word of mouth by disgruntled customers. This may result in lost revenue, a tarnished image, and a cascade of problems farther down your service chain. This is an often-overlooked aspect of company success, therefore you may need to create a picture of how this is causing bigger problems for your consumers.

Their goal should be to react quickly to and address any client issues while surpassing customer expectations. According to 82 percent of customers, having their issues resolved quickly is the most important aspect of good customer service.

You may suggest using live chat to provide real-time service support to all queries to help improve client loyalty. Co-browsing, video chat, and using a CRM system to keep track of client information are examples of this. 

In your situation, you want to put yourself in a position to assist this system get awareness. Either provide a variant of the aforementioned solutions or additional alternatives that will help them higher up the chain.

3. What are their boss’s primary concerns?

You won’t always be dealing with the boss; you might be interacting with anybody a few levels below. It’s in your best interests to include them as soon as possible in the conversation. There are three reasons for this.

They are in charge of deciding on the B2B buying budget.

Their suffering is not the same as that of a single contributor, but they are the ones who must make the purchase, so start with them.

A boss’s annoyances usually leak down to his or her subordinates. 

While a manager’s and a contributor’s views on the problem may vary, a manager’s success usually benefits her direct subordinates as well. Many clients have terrible bosses, and keeping them off their backs is a big incentive in the sales process.

It reveals a lack of knowledge.

If the contact isn’t aware of (or doesn’t consider) their superior’s business suffering, it may indicate that they won’t be able to help close the deal.

To find a company’s main pain point, you have to go all the way to the top. Speaking with or dealing with your supervisor will assist you in identifying the issue.

4. What do they do on their busiest day at work?

Concentrating on the day-to-day is another method to address your client’s business problem.

According to salesmen, buyers are more concerned with value than with usefulness. This question demonstrates the concrete value your product may have on an individual basis for your consumers.

Inquire about the prospect’s squad’s impact in resolving a market issue. Will they be able to take time off work for at least two hours? Do they need to spend less time in meetings? If you can pinpoint what your prospect is searching for, go to the heart of the matter and see how you can help.

5. What issues come up often in meetings?

Repeated problems are one factor that may create a blind spot for companies. Falling sales figures, dissatisfied customers, and cash flow problems may become so frequent that they are simply put on the back burner. They are aware that these are issues, but they may seem so big and overwhelming that they are unable to confront them.

It’s up to you to go further into these problems and ask, “What is a consistent problem?” After that, ask follow-up questions on the timing, regularity, related problems, and any adjustments that have been made to address the problem. 

Coming in with a new viewpoint may help them better analyze the problem without feeling rushed to find a large-scale solution. After all, you won’t be able to fix everything for them, but you can assist them with particular problems.

6. Do you or any of your coworkers have any grievances?

This may seem minor, but the answers will be shocking.

What begins as a worry over not having enough coffee soon escalates into more significant problems, such as “We are not investing in coffee since our company’s finances were reduced this year.” We’ll dedicate all of our available funds to advertising from now on.”

It doesn’t seem like “lack of coffee” is a major problem here. Why should we worry about it at all? It has nothing to do with our income at all.

But did you know that a simple absence of leisure in the workplace may create significant productivity issues as well as a drop in overall revenue? 

Employees need to be refreshed much as they do on weekends, and it’s critical to preserve production consistency. As a result, although spending all available budgets may attract new orders, it will do more damage than good as internal productivity declines.  

7. What challenges do you face while completing a deal?

Because the sales department is such an important component of a company, answering this question may indicate issues with positioning, operations, or productivity.

Here are some of the problems you may be dealing with:

I wasn’t able to form a solid bond with my partner.

Sometimes sales representatives are unconcerned about this crucial aspect of marketing. In times of difficulty, a strong connection may even overlook some of your flaws, which can be beneficial.

Budgetary restrictions

If you do not reveal all relevant facts to your buyer, you may encounter a severe problem that you will be unable to resolve later. To put it another way, be upfront about money problems from the start.

The product was not connected to the buyer’s requirements.

Did you make a direct connection between your product or service and the customer’s need, presuming the consumer has a problem to solve? 

Due to a lack of application knowledge, reps also decline to do so. You can’t see how the product or service will assist customers with their issues. Always keep in mind what you’re trying to market.

If you can position your product/service as one that assists sales and marketing departments in gaining more consumers, you will win over such bottom-line-focused politicians.

8. Do you find it difficult to attract or keep customers?

Customer loss is a big annoyance, and it may be made worse by a number of issues for which you may have a solution. Is it the way they charge? Is your value proposition and messaging incorrect? Maybe it has anything to do with the customer service problem we discussed earlier?

This is another question that can provide you with a wealth of information about how their business operates. What challenges do they have in keeping or acquiring customers? How are they unable to expand due to a lack of consumers or expensive acquisition costs?  

All of these information will help to start a very detailed conversation about what you can do to assist.

Put your pitch in the right place.

You can’t determine how to relieve your customer’s pain unless you’ve recognized it. This is a great strategy to utilize as a company owner to become a problem solution rather than simply a product seller. This will not only assist you in increasing direct sales, but it will also assist you in determining your competitive edge within a particular market.

Internally, while doing research, and when directly interacting with consumers, think about these questions. The more you do it, the better you’ll get at recognizing their requirements and positioning your company to meet them.

The process pain points is a strategy that allows companies to find out what their customers are struggling with. This helps them improve their business and provide better customer service.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you address customer pain points?

I do not understand what you mean by customer pain points.

What are business pain points?


How do you prioritize pain points?

I prioritize pain points based on the following criteria:

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