
Insurance Company Tactics That Influence the Outcome of a Car Accident Case

Dealing with insurance companies after a car accident in Indianapolis can be incredibly stressful. While they’re supposed to provide compensation for your injuries and vehicle damage, all they do is try to pay out as little as possible. To get the settlement you’re truly entitled to, it’s crucial to grasp how these insurance firms in Indianapolis work.

Speaking with car accident attorneys in Indianapolis who can navigate you through the claims process and uphold your rights is crucial. The following are the common practices of insurance companies in car accident claims:

1. Delaying Your Claim

Insurance companies may delay your claim to pressure you into accepting a lower settlement. They may deliberate in getting back to you or following up on things, possibly in the hopes that you will get impatient and settle for less. If this is what they are up to, just be patient and don’t jump to conclusions.

2. Presenting Low Settlement Offers

Insurance companies would like to settle a claim in smaller amounts shortly after an accident occurs. The first offer they might make may be insufficient to fully settle everything, particularly if you have not been able to analyze the damage or injuries yet. It is preferable to wait until you thoroughly understand your case before you take their offer.

3. Denying Claims

The insurance providers can also deny your claim in full. They can say that the accident was not your fault or the damages are not covered under your policy. If this is the case, read the denial letter thoroughly and think about appealing the decision with the assistance of an attorney.

4. Minimizing Responsibility

Insurance adjusters will try to reduce the severity of your injuries or blame you partially for having caused the accident. They will even say that your injuries occurred before the accident. Do not accept fault or minimize your injuries because this may ruin your case.

5. Using Your Statements Against You

Insurance companies often ask for recorded statements to understand your side of the story.


That said, anything you say could potentially be used against you down the line. It’s a good idea to get some legal advice before making any recorded statements, just to make sure your words won’t end up hurting your case.

6. Investigating Your Past

Insurance companies search deep into your past to search for the reasons to deny your claim. This can be done by searching through your medical past or social networking sites. Discrepancies can be used by them to deny or reduce your payment. Be cautious when you post anything on the net and do not discuss the case before consulting an attorney.

7. Partial Payment Making

Insurance agencies can provide coverage for some but not all of your damages. They can pay for repairs on your car but hold off on covering medical expenses or lost work. Insist that all your damages are covered before anyone pays you.

8. Creating False Deadlines

Insurance firms can try to scare you by setting a deadline for taking an offer. This is to try and pressure you into taking an offer before you understand all the implications. Do not let them scare you into accepting an offer. Read the offer carefully and engage the services of an attorney if necessary.

9. Using Confusing Policy Language

Insurance policies may be confusing and hard to understand.


Insurance firms may use unclear terms to disallow your claim. If you’re not clear on your cover, have a lawyer read through the policy with you to help you get what you deserve.

10. Bringing in Expert Witnesses

In more complex cases, insurance companies may hire experts to challenge your injuries or the cause of the accident. These experts might try to weaken your case, but having your own experts, like medical professionals, can help support your claims.