Mario Sayers

Where’s Your Wow?

The term “wow factor” has been thrown around for decades, but it is still very difficult to define. The word implies something that will leave people breathless and fixated on what they are seeing. A wow factor in the business world could be a piece of information that gets attention or causes people to pause;

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Where’d You Get That Idea?

When the idea of a startup came to me, I had no idea how it would turn out. How could someone who never started an enterprise or built anything have ideas that were worth investing in? The answer is simple: experience and knowledge. Experience leads to thoughts which lead you down one path while knowledge

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When Do I Hire a CEO?

As the CEO of a growing, successful business, you’re probably wondering when it’s time to hire an executive leadership team. The answer is that you can’t predict this with certainty and sometimes even hiring the wrong person could be beneficial for your company. Nonetheless, there are some general guidelines on how CEOs should start their

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What’s the Difference Between a Small Business Venture and a Startup?

A small business is a privately-held company with fewer than 500 employees. A startup is a new, emerging or recently established firm that has been created to pursue an opportunity in the marketplace and which typically must demonstrate potential profitability on its own merits Entrepreneurs often ask what’s the difference between a small business venture

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